It's Been a Great Season

It's Been a Great Season
PTC Ball 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Starting Out

The purpose of this blog is to chronicle my journey to become an Olympic distance triathlete at the oldest triathlon in Australia: Penrith Valley Nepean Triathlon

Although I've been training for triathlons for at least 4 months now, I feel like I am just beginning. What I feel more than anything is scared. All my life people have told me to believe in myself. My answer has usually been either that I don't know how or that I can't. This blog is my attempt to "just do it". I am a teacher and I tell my students that there is no other way than to just take each step forward and go through it. That is how you learn. It is time to stop being safe and take my own advice. As the preschool song goes..."you can't go under it, you can't go over it, you have to go through it."

Endurance and consistency have never been my strong points. In my own self-perpetuating identity survey, I continually tick the boxes next to whimpy, impatient, whimsical, sedentery. It is my good fortune, then, to have married a man who, although he occasionally identifies with these words, refuses to tick these boxes. He is a fighter. Bring it on...he says.

I mention him because athletic persuits tend to be infectious. My husband, David, has always been athletic. Two years ago, he shared with me his intention to become an Ironman triathlete. At the time, I thought of it as a luxury. It was an expensive, mid-life-crisis goal of his. I truly did not understand. The date was March, 2009. I had half-heartedly participated since 2006 in the PTC Tuesday night handicap runs. I had never finished a season. And yet, I egotistically believed myself to be a kind of athlete. I was a runner, I thought. I had done something that I never believed I could do: run 6.7 kilometers somewhat frequently. I was a superstar in my own mind. In reality, I both under- and overestimated myself.

The journey will continue...


  1. Hey Adrienne:
    I look forward to following your journey every step of the way. This is very exciting indeed and I am honoured to be your first follower but most of all your friend. :)

  2. Adrienne,
    So glad you are doing this. I'm following you with Twitter and am going to bookmark you. Love it that you are going to "just do it" I like what Barbie said about being honored to be your friend. I feel honored as well, to be your Mom. Lucky me.

  3. I really enjoyed reading your first blog. You were a champion before i met you and still are a champion. Be proud of all the amazing things you have already achieved in your life. You can reach any goal you set yourself and your family is there to support you.

  4. That's beautiful, David. And so true

  5. Good luck with all your training. I wish you the best in everything that you do. Dream Big! Soon after your Olympic you will do a 70.3. I never dreamed I could and I just finished one over the weekend.

